The 3rd MLK Day of Service is taking place on Saturday, January 18th.
Beginning at 9:00 a.m., neighbors can participate in service projects across North Lafayette to beautify neighborhoods while building stronger, more connected communities and celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
KATC spoke with Tina Shelvin-Bingham, with Habitat for Humanity about the Day of Service.
"What really inspired us about doing this project was that we really wanted to lean into Doctor King's vision of a beloved community, and his vision for a beloved community really involved all of our community having an elevated quality of life, and having the things that they need to really to be able to live a true fruitful life in our community. And our projects are all focused of course in our coterie neighborhood, and we're working with some very awesome strategic partners, that's gonna help us make sure these projects come to fruition for the community as well."
- Tina Shelvin Bingham-Habitat for Humanity
If you want to join Habitat for Humanity and their community partners in working on one of the many service projects, you can scan the barcode in the flyer.