WeatherTodays Forecast


Temperatures stay up; Rain chances remain low for Labor Day

and last updated

Lower humidity values returned to Acadiana on Sunday in response to a weak frontal boundary that moved through the area.

That kept things nice and dry and will be responsible for the comfortable temperatures we see overnight tonight and into Monday morning.

Lows will fall into the upper 60s for those north of the interstate while everyone else will sit at around 70 degrees under clear skies.

Labor Day looks like a repeat of Sunday with highs back into the mid 90s and rain chances staying lower than 10%. Humidity may be a touch higher, but overall, it's not going to be a bad day out there so hopefully you'll get to enjoy!

Southerly flow will then begin to set in across the area by mid-week which should help to increase our rain chances.

Late week still remains a bit tricky as the models go back and forth on whether or not we will see a true frontal passage.

In a complete flip flop of yesterday, they now do not seem too excited on the idea on ushering in that front, so I've updated the forecast accordingly.

Just like I mentioned with yesterday's forecast scenario, this new scenario too is not necessarily set in stone and could change.

I think by tomorrow (but certainly by Tuesday) we will have a better grasp on the upper-level pattern and thus be more confident in the forecast for late week and into next weekend. Stay tuned...

In the tropics: We have four areas of interest, but none that appear overly concerning at this point.

The first area is in the Caribbean Sea and has a low 0% chance to develop, but it will not be an issue. No threat to Acadiana.

The other three are out in the Atlantic, one of which has a high chance to develop and the other is now TD 17, but models have been consistently re-curving the areas of disturbed weather close to Africa eventually out to sea.

The area close to Bermuda has a 30% chance to develop in the next 5 days and may get close to the eastern seaboard with time, but significant impacts do not seem likely at this point.

We will continue to closely watch everything that crosses the Atlantic Basin as we now near the peak of the season.