

Another nice day before humidity returns this weekend

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We will have one more comfortable day with humidity levels remaining in check creating plenty of sunshine across Acadiana on Friday.

That sunshine and dry air will heat up temperatures into the lower 90s before falling nicely once the sun goes down this evening.

Now winds along the immediate coast will begin to turn out of the South, off of the Gulf, pushing some moisture over our coastal parishes producing one or two stray showers but most of us should stay dry today.

The southerly flow will pick up this weekend causing the humidity levels to rise back to the sticky and oppressive levels as feel like temperatures both afternoons will be close to the triple digits.

With this increased moisture more clouds will be able to develop across the region Saturday and Sunday afternoon and some of these clouds could eventually produce a few isolated showers.

Sunday looks to have a slight better chance(30-40%) for afternoon showers and storms then Saturday but neither day looks to be a wash out so I would not cancel any outdoor plans or activities.

The summer like weather pattern will continue into the new work week as a surface high will be stuck over the Eastern United States creating an onshore flow meaning highs will be on the hot side in the lower 90s, with heat indices near the century mark and a 30-40% chance for hit or miss showers pop-up throughout Acadiana each afternoon.