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Hale Fireworks preserves Eunice’s neighborhood traditions while prioritizing safety


ST. LANDRY PARISH — EUNICE — Hale Fireworks and its workers in Eunice are helping to keep neighborhood traditions alive this year, as families across the region prepare to celebrate the holidays with fireworks.

"I’m going with my pops to light fireworks. It’s always a tradition around New Year's," said Asher Robinson, an 8-year-old shopper.

Robinson and his mom have been making a trip to Hale's Fireworks tent since he was 3 years old. For them, the tradition is a cherished part of their holiday season.

"I remember, in my 18 years of doing this, we’ve had kids who started as infants and are now walking on their own," said Kayla Campbell, store manager at Hale Fireworks. "We’ve watched them grow up with their tradition of doing fireworks."

But as the excitement of lighting fireworks fills the air, safety remains a top priority. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), fireworks caused more than 30,000 fires in 2022. These fires resulted in injuries, fatalities, and more than $100 million in damage.

Campbell encourages families to take precautions when using fireworks. "Make sure you have adult supervision at all times," she said. "Don’t point fireworks at anyone or anything. And as soon as you light them, back up and give yourself some distance."

To prevent accidents and injuries, the Louisiana State Fire Marshal’s office recommends the following safety tips:

  • Light fireworks at least 200 feet away from buildings, cars, and trash.
  • Never allow children to light fireworks; consider using glow sticks instead.
  • Light one firework at a time and watch for flying embers.
  • Always have a bucket of water or a hose nearby.
  • Wet down used fireworks to prevent them from reigniting. Never throw them in a trash container until they are fully soaked.

For many, fireworks are more than just a holiday activity — they are a time-honored tradition. "This is a tradition, and it’s my mom's birthday on New Year’s Eve, so she’ll be watching as we pop them," said Lorenzo Greene, another local shopper.
The Louisiana State Fire Marshal’s office also reminds the public that fireworks should never be used under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

With these safety guidelines in mind, families in Eunice and across the parish can continue to enjoy the festive spirit of the season while keeping themselves and their neighbors safe.