

Move the Mindset holds Juneteenth Commeration next Saturday

Friday is Juneteenth – learn the history behind the holiday
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LAFAYETTE, LA — Move the Mindset (MTM) invites the public to join in remembrance and celebration of Juneteenth on Saturday June 19.

The commemoration was originally set to take place at the corner of Jefferson Street and Lee Avenue at the Confederate Gen. Mouton statue, but has since been moved to the Clifton Chenier Center. The center is located at 220 W. Willow St.

Juneteenth commemoration marks the freeing of the last 4 million men, women, and children that were enslaved at the start of the American Civil War.

The day is also remembered as America's other Independence Day.

“That long awaited moment had arrived. Freedom filed the air with a vision of hope and new beginnings. The weight of chains representing the pain of enslavement was slowly dissipating and replaced with a joyful emotion of unfamiliarity. A joyful heart began dancing on the wind because freedom had finally come,” recounts MTM President Frederick Prejean.

The presentation begins at 6 p.m. with Delta Media radio announcer and Acadiana Open Channel television host, Porsha Evans serving as Master of Ceremonies. MTM President Frederick Prejean and ULL Assistant Professor of African American History; Theodore Foster will also be speaking at the commemoration.

There will also be song, poetry and a performance of African drumming.

Bottled water will be provided and it's suggested to bring a chair.