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President Trump rallies against Governor Edwards

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President Donald Trump is back in Washington D.C. following a rally in Lake Charles.

Trump is urging Louisiana voters to push the button tomorrow for one of the two republican candidates for governor.

The President spoke for roughly an hour and a half. Trump talked about the impeachment efforts against him, Russia, trade deals and the so called "fake news."

He kicked off his speech saying he hopes to force a runoff between one of the republican candidates for governor...Ralph Abraham or Eddie Rispone against Governor John Bel Edwards.

The President is hopeful Louisiana voters will fire Governor Edwards. Trump said Edwards has the worst jobs record in the U.S.

"I'm angry, I'm angry. I'm really angry at John Bel Edwards. He has not done the job," Trump said. "When John Bel Edwards ran for office, he made your state a sacred promise that he was not going to raise your taxes, then he broke that promise."

Edwards said he has a strong track record of bipartisan leadership and he has no problems working with President Trump.

"I will not sit back and let falsehoods about the progress we've made in Louisiana go unanswered," Edwards said. "Every major thing I've done as governor has been done on a bipartisan basis. We've brought republicans, democrats and independents together to turn our record budget deficit into a surplus, reform our criminal justice system and to give teachers a pay raise."

Edwards believes he could win this race out right, but if he is forced into a runoff he said, "I believe our state is best served when we put Louisiana first. I will always put the people of our state over politics and partisanship."

President Trump said Edwards is a liberal and must be replaced.

Though the President is supporting the republican candidates, Trump is not endorsing either at this time.

"Edwards' terrible policies are killing jobs across your state. Edwards is now trying to destroy Louisiana's energy sector. With threats of lawsuits inspired by the radical, left wing activists and democrats," Trump said.

For a closer look at the President's speech, click here.

Polls open at 7:00 Saturday morning and close at 8:00 that evening.