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State Superintendent of Education visits LPSS schools

Dr. Cade Brumley
and last updated

On Tuesday, November 10, Louisiana Superintendent of Education Dr. Cade Brumley visited LPSS schools.

LPSS says that Dr. Brumley met with educators and staff at Ridge Elementary School following a day of visiting schools in the parish.

At the meeting, LPSS says that Dr. Brumley discussed the challenges facing teachers during the pandemic, and also learned of the creative ways that LPSS teachers are engaging students, closing achievement gaps, and supporting their social/emotional needs during these times.

Ridge Elementary School students were on hand to welcome the Superintendent as arrived on campus.

"We are very fortunate to have had the opportunity for our educators to engage in collaborative discussion with Dr. Brumley about the issues that matter most to them," said LPSS Superintendent Irma Trosclair. "By speaking one-on-one with educators in our district, Dr. Brumley is able to make well-informed decisions that impact teaching and learning in our district and state. “

Trosclair says she looks forward to future visits from Dr. Brumley and LDOE staff.

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