The Lafayette Parish School Board met Wednesday night to discuss a proposed budget hearing schedule and elect a President and Vice President for 2021.
District 1 board member Mary Morrison was selected to serve as this year's school board president. She is the first female African American LPSB president. Morrison began her duties at tonight's meeting, and says she's looking forward to the year ahead.
"I feel very confident about the opportunity to become president. I've served on the board six years now and I've learned a whole lot and got a lot of experience. I'm ready to go ahead and continue and be the best that we can be as a school board," Morrison commented.
Also at tonight's meeting, the board got a look at the proposed budget hearing schedule for 2021, which sets the first discussion in February and continues through March and April. Public inspection starts in May, followed by a public hearing and final adoption on May 19. The schedule can be found here.
The board unanimously approved several policy changes that were required by laws passed by the Legislature this year, including attendance reports for student drivers, appointment of superintendent, and student health services policies.
Members also approved proposed Request for Qualifications documents for feasibility studies of Northside High and J.W. Faulk Elementary, and deferred to next month a motion to approve the same documents for Truman Elementary.
The board recently approved a feasibility study for the replacement or renovations of both schools; the first step in the process is for the Board to approve the Request For Qualifications document that will be advertised and sent out to interested firms. After the deadline for submissions has passed, the responses will be evaluated by a committee selected by the Superintendent and a recommendation will be made to the Superintendent and the Board for approval.
The board recognized the recent football victories of Acadiana High and Carencro High, and approved a motion from board member Elroy Broussard to mark Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
If you missed the meeting and would like to watch it, it can be found in full here.
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