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What's on the Ballot: March 26, 2022 election


What's on the Ballot for the March 26 election in Acadiana?

Six parishes in the area (Evangeline, Jeff Davis, St. Landry, St. Martin, St. Mary, Vermilion) will be heading to the polls. Early voting for the March 26 Municipal Primary Election begins Saturday, March 12.

Voting will continue through Saturday, March 19 (excluding Sunday, March 13) from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Citizens who want to vote early may do so in person at their parish Registrar of Voters Office or at other designated locations.

Here is the breakdown by parish:

Evangeline Parish

PW Prop. No. 1 of 2 (Library Tax) -- 5.21 Mills Reded. - PJ
Shall the Parish of Evangeline, State of Louisiana (the "Parish"), be authorized to rededicate the proceeds heretofore or hereafter received by the Parish from the levy and collection of a 5.21 mills tax on all the property subject to taxation in the Parish, authorized pursuant to that tax proposition approved at an election held on April 30, 2011 (the "Tax") (an estimated $1,105,954 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the Tax for an entire year), to be levied through the year 2027, for the following purposes: .62 mills for the purpose of constructing, acquiring, improving, operating and maintaining law enforcement facilities and criminal justice operations in the Parish?


PW Prop. No. 2 of 2 (Health Unit) -- 2.07 Mills Reded. - PJ
Shall the Parish of Evangeline, State of Louisiana (the "Parish"), be authorized to rededicate the proceeds of $1,250,000 heretofore received by the Parish from the levy and collection of a two and seven-hundredths (2.07) mill tax on all property subject to taxation within the District, authorized pursuant to that tax proposition approved at an election held on March 25, 2017 (the "Tax"), for a period of ten (10) years, beginning on January 1, 2018 and ending with the year 2027 (the estimated amount reasonably expected to be collected from the levy of the Tax for one entire year being $439,070), for the purpose of constructing, acquiring, improving, operating, maintaining law enforcement facilities and criminal court operations in the Parish?


Jeff Davis Parish

District Attorney -- 31st Judicial District Court (Runs in multiple parishes)

  • Elliott Cassidy (REP)
  • Lauren Heinen (REP)
  • Daniel Sparks (IND)

Town of Lake Arthur Prop. No. 1 of 3 (Recreation) -- 2.84 Mills Renewal - M&TC - 10 Yrs.
Shall the Town of Lake Arthur, State of Louisiana (the "Town"), be authorized to continue to levy a two and eighty-four hundredths (2.84) mills tax on all the property subject to taxation in the Town (an estimated $29,100 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the year 2023 and ending with the year 2032, for the purpose of maintaining, operating and improving recreational facilities and public parks in the Town?


Town of Lake Arthur Prop. No. 2 of 3 (Streets) -- 5.51 Mills Renewal - M&TC - 10 Yrs.
Shall the Town of Lake Arthur, State of Louisiana (the "Town"), be authorized to continue to levy a five and fifty-one hundredths (5.51) mills tax on all property subject to taxation in the Town (an estimated $56,400 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the year 2024 and ending with the year 2033, for the purpose of maintenance and upkeep of streets and alleys of the Town?


Town of Lake Arthur Prop. No. 3 of 3 (Drainage) -- 5.51 Mills Renewal - M&TC - 10 Yrs.
Shall the Town of Lake Arthur, State of Louisiana (the "Town"), be authorized to continue to levy a five and fifty-one hundredths (5.51) mills tax on all property subject to taxation in the Town (an estimated $56,400 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the year 2024 and ending with the year 2033, for the purpose of maintenance and upkeep of the drainage system and drainage ditches in the Town?


St. Landry Parish

Member of School Board -- District 5

  • Tracy A. Beard (REP)
  • Jason Halphen (REP)
  • Bianca J. Vedell (NOPTY)

PW Cons. School Dist. No. 1 Prop. No. 1 of 3 -- 9.9 Mills - SB - 10 Yrs.
Shall Consolidated School District No. 1 of the Parish of St. Landry (Parish-wide), State of Louisiana (the "District"), be authorized to levy and collect a special tax of nine and nine-tenths (9.9) mills on all property subject to taxation within the Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana (the "Parish") (an estimated $6,557,551 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), annually for a period of ten (10) years commencing with the year 2022 and ending with the year 2031, for the purposes of supplementing other revenues of the District for funding salaries for teachers, support staff and others employed by the District?


PW Cons. School Dist. No. 1 Prop. No. 2 of 3 -- 1.0 Mill - SB - 10 Yrs.
Shall Consolidated School District No. 1 of the Parish of St. Landry (Parish-wide), State of Louisiana (the "District"), be authorized to levy and collect a special tax of one (1.0) mill on all property subject to taxation within the Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana (the "Parish") (an estimated $662,379 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), annually for a period of ten (10) years commencing with the year 2022 and ending with the year 2031, for the purposes of supplementing other revenues of the District to fund the operations, maintenance and capital improvements of public school athletic programs, the acquisition, capital improvement or construction of athletic, recreational and playground facilities and land, and acquiring the necessary equipment and furnishings, title to which shall be in the public?


PW Cons. School Dist. No. 1 Prop. No. 3 of 3 -- $150M Bond - SB - 30 Yrs.
Shall Consolidated School District No. 1 of the Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana (the "District"), incur debt and issue bonds, in one or more series to the amount of not exceeding $150,000,000, to run not exceeding 30 years from date thereof, with interest at a rate not exceeding 5.5% per annum, for the purpose of acquiring and/or improving lands for building sites including construction of necessary sidewalks and streets adjacent thereto; purchasing, erecting and/or improving school buildings and other school related facilities within and for the District and acquiring the necessary equipment and furnishings therefor, title to which shall be in the public; which bonds will be general obligations of the District and will be payable from ad valorem taxes to be levied and collected in the manner provided by Article VI, Section 33 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana of 1974 and statutory authority supplemental thereto, with an estimated 12.9 mills to be levied in the first year of issue to pay said Bonds?


Fire Protection District No. 5 -- 14.25 Mills Renewal - BOC - 10 Yrs.
Shall Fire Protection District No. 5 of the Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana (the "District"), continue to levy a special tax of fourteen and twenty-five hundredths (14.25) mills on all property subject to taxation within the District (an estimated $497,400 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the year 2023 and ending with the year 2032, for the purpose of improving, maintaining and operating the District's fire protection facilities, including acquiring and equipping fire trucks and paying the cost of obtaining water for fire protection purposes?


St. Martin Parish

Mayor -- City of St. Martinville

  • Melinda Narcisse "Mel" Mitchell (DEM)
  • Lisa Nelson (DEM)
  • Mark Pratt (IND)
  • Jason Willis (DEM)
  • Patrick Wiltz (DEM)

Councilman -- District 2, City of St. Martinville

  • Carol Frederick (NOPTY)
  • Lance Laviolette (IND)
  • Marty Theriot (REP)

Councilman -- District 3, City of St. Martinville

  • Jonas A. Fontenette (DEM)
  • Ryan Denise Williams (DEM)

Councilman -- District 4, City of St. Martinville

  • Janise Anthony (DEM)
  • James "Lil Jimmy" Charles (DEM)
  • Monica Charles (DEM)
  • Juma Johnson (DEM)

Councilman -- District 5, City of St. Martinville

  • James Bertrand (IND)
  • Florita "Flo" Chatman (DEM)
  • Joseph E. Mason (DEM)
  • Leander "Cush" Williams (DEM)

St. Mary Parish

Council Member at Large -- City of Franklin

  • Lester "Motor" Levine, Jr. (DEM)
  • Ian Jonas Ruskoski (NOPTY)

Council Member -- District C, City of Franklin

  • Larry Guilbeau (DEM)
  • Ella Prevost Hamilton (DEM)

City of Patterson Prop. No. 1 of 3 -- Amend HRC Section 3-03(C) - M&CC
Shall Section 3-03 of the City Charter of the City of Patterson be amended to add the following Subsection 3-03(C): (C) The Mayor shall have attained a high school diploma or a General Equivalent Degree (GED) on or before the last date established by law for qualifying for office?


City of Patterson Prop. No. 2 of 3 -- Amend HRC Subsection 4-03(B) - M&CC
Shall Subsection 4-03(B) of the City Charter of the City of Patterson be amended to read as follows: (B) The police chief shall, at the time of qualification, have attained the age of twenty-one (21) years, been legally domiciled and have actually resided in the City of Patterson for at least the one year immediately preceding the last date for qualification for office, be a qualified elector of the City, and have attained POST certification?


City of Patterson Prop. No. 3 of 3 -- Amend HRC Subsection 4-03(H) - M&CC
Shall Subsection 4-03(H) of the City Charter of the City of Patterson be amended to read as follows: (H) The salary and employee benefits, if any, of the police chief shall be the same of that of the incumbent at the time the Charter becomes effective. The council may, by ordinance, increase the salary and employee benefits of the police chief. Any decrease in the salary or employee benefits of the police chief shall be by ordinance; provided, however, such decrease shall be effective only at the commencement of the next term of office. The reference in this section to "change in employee benefits" shall not refer to the cost of providing the employee benefit. Rather, a "change in employee benefit" as these terms are used in this section refers to a change in the quality, character, or quantity of benefits provided. The police chief may be reimbursed for properly vouchered and authorized expenses incurred in conducting the duties of the office when approved by a majority vote of the authorized membership of the council?


Vermilion Parish

Member of School Board -- District B

  • Angela Lee Bradley (REP)
  • Kevin Meyers (REP)

Mayor -- City of Abbeville

  • Francis Plaisance (REP)
  • Roslyn R. White (NOPTY)

Mayor -- Town of Kaplan

  • Melissa Guidry (REP)
  • Michael "Mike" Kloesel (IND)

Chief of Police -- City of Abbeville

  • "Joey" Boneski (IND)
  • Ronald Gaspard (IND)
  • Mike Hardy (REP)
  • William "Bill" Spearman (NOPTY)

Alderman at Large -- Town of Kaplan

  • Dirk Gary (REP)
  • Brodney Mouton, Sr. (REP)

Councilman at Large -- City of Abbeville

  • Carlton Campbell (DEM)
  • Ronald Darby (DEM)
  • Rossline "Lucky" Potier (DEM)

Alderman -- District A, Town of Kaplan

  • Randy G. Campbell (DEM)
  • Eva Dell Morrison (DEM)

Councilman -- District A, City of Abbeville

  • "Debbie" Garrot (REP)
  • Tony J. Hardy (REP)

Councilman -- District C, City of Abbeville

  • Brady Broussard, Jr. (IND)
  • Rachel Sirmon Trahan (REP)

Councilman -- District D, City of Abbeville

  • Terry Y. Broussard (DEM)
  • Norris Green, Jr. (DEM)
  • Wayne Landry (DEM)

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