RAYNE, L.a — The City of Rayne began the critical flushing program of its water distribution system Monday.
City engineer Brett Bayard told KATC this is the last leg of the city's water line improvements. He said the method of attack for this program is akin to a wagon wheel, where the City of Rayne Water and Waste workers start the process with the center-most hydrants and work their way out.
"What we're doing is we're trying to stir up the water and get any kind of settlement that has been sitting in the pipes for the last 60 to 100 years," Bayard said. "Getting all that settlement to kind of run through the fire hydrants instead of people's homes."
Rayne's mayor, Chuck Robichaux, said that despite the brassy discoloration of the water, residents have no need to worry.
"The water is safe to drink, the sediment is there, all it is is iron that's suspended in the water."
Some living in the city, however, beg to differ. 27-year-old Azaria Adams told KATC he has lived in Rayne all of his life and has never seen the water like this.
"It's -- it's not water," Adams said. "As you can see, it's kind of... it's kind of nasty."
Mayor Robichaux said the city is spending $2.6 million on the entirety of the water treatment plant improvements and this is to ensure that the residents have the best water possible. Water and Waste Superintendent Mike Judice echoes this sentiment.
"I think it was long overdue -- it was something the city needed for a long time," Judice said. "The equipment was outdated and getting old and with the updates we did, I think the citizens will appreciate the outcome."
Officials told KATC that this critical flushing step of the project will last for approximately three weeks, and while the water is safe to consume, they encourage residents in the meantime to run their taps a little longer if they see any colors other than clear.
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