

VPSB plans to discuss Puyau’s “character and competence”

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The Vermilion Parish School Board has notified Superintendent Jerome Puyau’s "character and professional competence" in a special meeting at 6 p.m.

The board notified Puyau of the meeting today. 

Under Louisiana law, it is up to Puyau, not the board, if the meeting will be held in private or public session. The agenda is posted on the board’s website. 

The discussion comes just a few weeks after state test scores were released, showing Vermilion Parish once again leading Acadiana, and Louisiana, in performance. To read our story about test scores, click here

Also on the special meeting’s agenda is a proposed executive session to discuss thelawsuit filed by the state Attorney General’s Office against the board over a January meeting in which a teacher was removed during public comments.