

Books Donated to Babies in the NICU


At Women’s and Children’s Hospital, an Acadiana organization is reaching out to parents with babies in the NICU.

The group, Baby Bookworms Acadiana is hoping to increase parent, baby bonds during those difficult days in the hospital.

"I was scared, I was intimidated, I didn’t know how to bond with her," said Kassie Duhon. "I couldn’t hold her and kiss her." 

Two-years-ago, Duhon’s daughter Evangeline was in the NICU at Women’s and Children’s. 

"It’s such a scary time and sometimes, parents can’t hold their baby in the NICU." 

Duhon said during those 13 days, she would read to her baby. "It’s a way to bond. I also did research showing that if you read to your baby in the NICU, it increases brain development and it decreases the chance of speech delays."

Now, she’s hoping to help other parents with the same struggle. Duhon created Baby Bookworms Acadiana.
The organization raised more than $2,500 to purchase books. Friday, the first shipment was delivered to those staying in the NICU.

"I can’t wait to take him home," said Kristain Girouard. 

Her son, Blake Girouard was born on Monday. She said he’s in the NICU because he’s having trouble breathing.

Girouard said receiving the book brings comfort. The short story is about a mom leaving her baby, though they’re still connected and love each other. 

"It’s a good thing for all parents to have and read to them because that’s part of bonding you know."

Baby Bookworms Acadiana hopes to raise more money to continue donating books.