

Louisiana corrections head, advocates in Washington for prison reform summit


Louisiana’s corrections secretary was among those attending the White House prison reform summit on Friday, along with the department’s head attorney and two prison-reform advocates from the state.

Secretary Jimmy LeBlanc and executive counsel Natalie LaBorde represent Louisiana government at the summit. Dolfinette Martin and Syrita Steib-Martin, both advocates for prison reform, also were attending the summit, according to DOC spokesperson Ken Pastorick.

Martin served time in prison and now organizes for Voice of the Experience (VOTE), which works to restore rights to formerly incarcerated people. Steib-Martin is founder and executive director of Operation Restoration, which helps formerly incarcerated women with re-entry into society.

President Donald Trump gave remarks at the summit on Friday morning.

Other speakers at the summit were scheduled to include New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez; Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin; Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette; and Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill, according to the Associated Press.