

Two Notre Dame graduates are preparing to enter the Seminary

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113 Notre Dame High School seniors will walk across the stage Friday. 

Among them are two students who have decided the higher calling of seminary is their next step in life. 

 Evan Hebert and Cole Zaunbrecher are preparing to begin college-studies and theological training at St Joseph’s Seminary in Covington. 

 They’re saying they’re taking on their mission to serve the flock because of God’s divine intervention. 

"You know I have three older siblings, and they’re like you’re always gonna live with mom and dad, and I was like I don’t have any problem with that," explained Notre Dame Graduate, Evan Hebert. 

Evan Hebert says that is, of course, not what he is going to be doing for the foreseeable future.

The young men say the faith-formation they’ve received at Notre Dame has given them the foundation and courage they need to pursue their calling regardless of the sacrifice.

"So, yeah I am nervous for that. There’s going to be a lot of things that I’m sure I know I won’t really know how to do. [However] I think my general knowledge is enough to get me through," said Hebert. 

Their calling to go to seminary started many years ago, but the teenagers say it’s because of the commitment of their teachers at Notre Dame that they have been successful. 

"There’s a point to where teachers want to just move on, but here they say we’re not going to stop,” said Zaunbrecher.

 "They’ve prepared me beyond like what I need. I feel prepared to go from the knowledge and support I’ve gained from being here,” explained Zaunbrecher.

Both say they are ready to learn from top-notch scholars at St. Joseph’s; professors and Fathers but not before they thank the people who are responsible for getting them this far. 

"My parents like blessed me with so much. And, now I just forever feel in their debt. And, they’re always saying they’re so proud of me. But it’s hard for me to say thank you and acknowledge that they’re happy for me. So, hopefully, my actions will be enough to say hey thank you what you did for me. Here’s what I’m going to do [in return] for you and the rest of the diocese," explained Evan Hebert.