
These are the best — and worst — summer activities you can do to stay safe during the pandemic

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With cases of COVID-19 surging again in some areas, many people are reconsidering their outside activities.

And as Americans head out to July outings and vacations, experts say it's important to know which activities leave people the most — and the least — vulnerable for contracting the virus.

Low-risk activities
The CDC says the following are low risk:

  • Outdoor walking or running, as long as you are not packed in a close group of friends.
  • Outdoor dining with family, as long as you are at least 6 feet from other tables and the server is wearing a mask.
  • Sitting on beaches or at lakes away from other people.
  • Swimming in pools at safe, socially-distant levels.

Medium-risk activities
Listed as moderate, or medium risk are:

  • Getting a haircut or manicure — but it is essential that both the customer and the stylist wear masks.
  • Working out in a gym, with constant wipe-downs of machines with disinfectant.
  • Staying in a hotel.
  • Flying, as long as everyone wears a mask. Preferably do not eat or drink during the flight.
  • Visiting elderly parents, as long as no visitors have had symptoms or have been near known COVID-19 carriers.
  • Low-contact team sports, such as youth baseball

Highest risk activities
With cases surging in many states, the CDC warns against:

  • Large gatherings anywhere, even outdoors, where loud talking can spread the virus.
  • Indoor parties, whether with neighbors, close friends, or extended family. Sit outside at a safe distance.
  • High-contact sports with players from other communities, such as football.
  • Bars, nightclubs and indoor restaurants where patrons are close together, especially without masks.

So while you may have seen pictures of busy beaches and packed bars on the news in recent weeks, it's only bars that pose a high risk for COVID-19 contraction. Beaches can be safe — as long as the beach is not packed shoulder to shoulder, as Miami Beach was on a recent weekend.

Governors are closing beaches simply because too many people are gathering there too properly socially distance.

Bottom line: Doctors say if you avoid close contact with other people, and wear a mask in public places, you boost your chances of staying safe, and you don't waste your money.


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