LAFAYETTE, La. — Using the power of flight, Pilots to the Rescue is a non-profit organization with a mission to prevent at-risk animals from being euthanized by transporting them via air and ground transportation.
"Overcrowded shelters down in the south [sometimes] have to euthanize our beloved pets and animals. So we bring them up north to non-kill to give them a second chance at finding them their forever homes," says Paul Mamauag.
Mamauag along with his co-pilot Mackenzie Brendlen will travel to the Big Apple where they will be dropping off 30 dogs.

"Down here, we are so overpopulated right now that most of the shelters are euthanizing for space," says Jolie Rogers, an animal officer with St. Landry Parish Animal Control, who tells KATC that the dogs are even chosen by the receiving rescues.
"The rescues themselves that are in the other states actually tag the dogs that they want to be brought over there," she says. "So we show them all the dogs that we have available and they pick which ones they think will be adopted."
The pups are off Thursday to a new city and hopefully a new life and family.

"It's such an amazing feeling to watch them get to go to their new homes and be happy," Rodgers says.
To read more about Pilots to the Rescue, click here. Modern Aviation was also a sponsor for this mission, to read about them, click here.