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Pre-K registration open for LPSS sites


Registration for pre-k at the Lafayette Parish School System sites is now open.

The LPSS program follows the regular school calendar and provides daily education to four-year-olds in Lafayette Parish.

  • Tuition-Free Enrollment: Seats are available at no cost to children whose households meet income eligibility requirements.
  • Tuition-Based Enrollment: Families who do not meet the income requirements can still participate by paying tuition.
  • Overflow Placement: When home zone seats are filled, children are placed at respective overflow sites:
    • Truman Early Childhood Education Center serves overflow from: Alice Boucher Elementary, Dr. Raphael Baranco Elementary, Broadmoor Elementary, Carencro Bob Lilly Elementary, Charles M. Burke Elementary, Duson Elementary, Evangeline Elementary, JW Faulk Elementary, Live Oak Elementary, Ossun Elementary, Prairie Elementary, Ridge Elementary, and Westside Elementary.
    • Katharine Drexel Early Childhood Education Center serves overflow from: Ernest Gallet Elementary, Green T. Lindon Elementary, Martial F. Billeaud Elementary, Milton Elementary, and Corporal Michael Middlebrook Elementary.

Special Placements: Children in Special Education or ESL programs will be placed based on departmental standards to best meet their needs.

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