

Parenting: Navigating grief with the help of friends

Parenting: Navigating grief
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Brittney Poirier is the mother of two girls and one boy.

She can now add business owner to her list of accomplishments.

"It's super busy," Poirier said. "I just opened a bar with my best friend, and I did a career change. I used to work at an eye care business and now I'm managing a bar. It's been super good. I didn't realize how much support would come out of the community when we opened. It's been great."

The community that is rallying behind Brittney now are the same ones that rallied behind her three years ago when she lost her husband.

"You don't want your kids to see you weak, especially after they just lost their dad," Poirier said. "I didn't want my kids to see me upset or anything at all."

While her children got the help they needed, Poirier said she started to find herself in need of help. She said everyone she went to for help told her she was handling the grief fine.

"I tried one-on-one therapy, twice" Poirier said. "Both times I was told that this was the grieving process, and I was doing fine. I didn't feel fine. I didn't feel like I was okay."

Through the help of Healing House and their support groups, Brittney says she's feeling better. For the first time, she says, she doesn't feel alone.

"It opens your eyes, not only to what is going on around you, but what is right in front of your face. This is my tribe. I love them."

Something else her "tribe" has helped with, talking about her husband, and letting her kids know that it is okay to be sad.

"They helped me realize that it's okay to be sad one day and happy the next," Poirier said. "They motivated me to show videos and pictures of my husband. It's helped them to be okay or as okay as they're going to be."

While life will never be fully okay, it is easier.

Poirier said her husband's memory will live on in pictures and through her children.