

Weather quiet through the weekend

Posted at 9:40 AM, Jun 06, 2018
and last updated 2018-06-06 10:40:53-04

After a busy start to the week the weather has settled down at the midway point of the work week, and looks like the forecast will cruise through into the weekend. 

Temperatures will hover around seasonal with highs in the lower 90s and the lows falling into the low 70s under plenty of sunshine and fair weather cumulus clouds. 

This is the pattern moving ahead into the weekend so the end of the work week certainly won’t be as busy as the first half was, and rain chances will hold off until midweek, next week. 

In the meantime winds Wednesday will be out of the north east, but will be more southerly by the end of the work week increasing the humidity across the area and introducing the chance for an isolated shower or two.