
Two parish presidents unite to say: Stop resisting; stay home

and last updated

Iberia Parish President Larry Richard and St. Martin Parish President Chester Cedars have issued a joint statement, asking their residents to comply with stay-at-home orders.

"We have chosen to make this joint public announcement in an effort to highlight the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic in our area and across the state. We seek, and need, your cooperation in stopping the spread of this virus. As parish presidents, we have participated in numerous telephone conference calls with state and local health care officials. Without exception, every one of those officials have, without hesitation, described the COVID-19 virus as a MEDICAL CRISIS. The statistical data clearly supports those conclusions," the statement reads.

They reiterate the sobering numbers from their parishes and the state.

"These numbers will continue to steadily increase in the days ahead despite the stay-at-home orders and other preventive measures imposed by Governor Edwards. Why? Because too many of us are ignoring those directives and/or are resisting efforts to enforce them," the statement reads.

The orders aren't confusing, they say.

"Each of us knows what is meant by the term "essential.” It means absolutely necessary or of extreme importance. Before your leave home, ask yourself if what you are about to do is absolutely necessary. If not, STAY HOME! If there is any doubt about what workers are considered to be essential, guidance on that issue can be found on the U. S. Department of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency website," the statement reads.

Here's a link to that page:

"Our citizens are resilient and know how to assist each other in times of crisis. By practicing the following suggestions, we can protect our neighbors, friends and loved ones by more quickly and effectively stopping the spread of COVID-19," the presidents say.

Separate sick employees and send them home
Limit the number of persons in and around your business or establishment at any one time
Enforce social distancing requirements throughout the premises
Provide easily accessible sanitizer and disposable disinfectant wipes for customers
Routinely clean and sanitize frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, shopping baskets and checkout stations or work stations
Require employees to frequently wash hands or use alcohol-based hand rubs
Encourage the use of curbside pickup or drive through service
Be innovative and protective of your staff and customers

If you are sick, respect your friends and neighbors, stay home
Stay home unless you are performing and essential activity such as those listed in Order No. 2020-33
Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
If soap and water are not available use an alcohol-based sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow
Throw used tissues in the trash and immediately wash your hands
Avoid touching your face, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
Clean and disinfect frequently touched solid surfaces daily, such as doorknobs, light switches, and phones

Here's the full letter: