Opelousas Police Chief Martin McLendon announced on Wednesday, November 11, that he would be self-quarantining after a recent COVID-19 diagnosis.
The Police Chief shared the news in a Facebook post on Wednesday morning.
McLendon says he has taken all necessary steps to protect those he works with and those closest to him.
Read his full statement below:
To The Citizens of Opelousas,
As many of you may have already heard, I have been diagnosed with COVID-19. Since discovering my diagnosis I have self-quaratined and taken all the steps necessary to protect those that I work with and those closest to me.
Having said that, I want to take a moment and say publicly how proud I am of our commanding officers and our officers in the field. They have not missed a beat. Throughout all of these trying times, and with my current condition, they have been hard at work bravely fighting to see that the streets of our city are safe.
I am proud to work with such amazing men and women, and I hope that every one of you have the opportunity to work with such excellent people at some point in your life.
Opelousas is in excellent hands.
Your Chief, Martin McLendon
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