ORANGE, Texas (AP) - A newlywed Southeast Texas couple was killed when their car and a truck towing a trailer collided moments after the couple was wed.
The crash happened about 3 p.m. Friday on State Highway 87 at Orange County Airport on the southwestern edge of Orange. That's 96 miles (154 kilometers) east of Houston near the border with Louisiana.
Orange police say 19-year-old Harley Joe Morgan and his 20-year-old bride, Rhiannon Boudreaux (boo-DROH') Morgan, were leaving the office of the justice of the peace that married them when they pulled out onto the highway. The pickup truck towing a trailer carrying a tractor slammed into the couple's car, killing both. Justice of the Peace Joy Dubose-Simonton, who performed the wedding, attended their bodies as coroner.
The truck driver was unhurt.
Read CNN's story here.