Starting at 8:00 p.m. and lasting until 6:00 a.m. every night for the next 60 days, University Avenue will be down to one lane as crews work on the railroad underpass.
They will be pressure washing, sealing and painting the underpass walls to clean up the area. The word Bienvenue will also be painted in red above the road on the underpass.
To go along with the painted walls, landscaping will be placed at the 4 quadrants leading into and exiting the dip.
This revitalization project of University Avenue is something Lafayette Mayor-President Joel Robideaux has been working for a long time.
"We've been working on this ... since we took office 3 years ago and we're just excited to see that it's finally happening," Robideaux said.
The goal of the project is to make University Avenue more welcoming to people as they drive into the city.
"The community had been reaching out to us saying we need something, we need the University to be inviting when people come to Lafayette. They pass through University, we know it's the gateway, and they want to see something that looks really good," Lafayette councilman Patrick Lewis said.
Once the underpass is complete, plans are in place to improve the intersection of University and Cameron and then start working on revitalizing the rest of the street all the way up to I-10.