The Lafayette Parish School Board voted tonight to pass two resolutions designed to raise awareness about the bullying of LGBTQ students.
The first resolution is meant to increase awareness and improve programs and policies to combat LGBTQ bullying.
The second resolution involved addressing ways bullying can be prevented in Lafayette schools.
Both resolutions passed unanimously.
The meeting was emotional, with several residents standing before the room and speaking on how bullying has affected them throughout their lives.
One man, Matthew Humphrey, President of PFLAG Lafayette, stood and read comments he says were made to him while in school over twenty years ago. The reading was an effort to illustrate some of the rhetoric directed towards LGBTQ people.
Only one of the board members running for reelection was present for the vote. That member was Tehmi Chassion representing District 4.
Erick Knezek, board member for district 8, expressed how happy he was that the board passed the resolutions.
"I'm very proud...we did the right thing."
Knezek said going forward, the plan is to train teachers and students to increase awareness.
He added that while the board is not perfect, the board has now taken a step forward in terms of bullying awareness.
Knezek said he was "proud that Lafayette now is known for taking a proactive step to prevent bullying for LGBTQ."
"What's more important than our kids?"
More on the resolution can be read here.