The Lafayette Parish School Board met in regular session today, with several items on the agenda.
The board entered into executive session to discuss several pending lawsuits, including the one filed by former Superintendent Pat Cooper.
Also on the agenda were discussions about hiring architects for three school replacement projects: Prairie Elementary, Carencro Heights Elementary and Lafayette High School.
In the cases of Prairie and Carencro Heights, and hired the system already has evaluated applications and recommended that the board appoint Barras Architects for the Carencro Heights project and Poche Prouet Associates for the Prairie project. The board followed both recommendations and appointed those firms.
In the Lafayette High project, the board issued a Request for Qualifications, which will solicit applications from architects for the job.
A discussion item was passed that will request staff to study the feasibility of offering aftercare programs at all parish elementary schools.
The LPSB uses Board Docs, which is a program that allows the public to see the full agenda, including all attachments, easily online. If you want to view this agenda and all the attachments, go here and click on the meeting you want to review.
You can also watch tonight's meeting below: