A boil water advisory has been issued by Youngsville Wholesale Water System due to a broken water line which is causing a temporary decrease in water pressure.
The following areas are affected:
Fairfax Subdivision
Preston Rose Drive
100-200 block of Guillot Road
The boil advisory will remain in effect until rescinded by the Water System.
It is recommended that all consumers disinfect their water before consuming it (including fountain drinks), making ice, brushing teeth, or using it for food preparation or rinsing of foods by the following means:
Boil water for one (1) full minute in a clean container. The one minute starts after the water has been brought to a rolling boil. The flat taste can be eliminated by shaking the water in a clean bottle, pouring it from one clean container to another, or by adding a small pinch of salt to each quart of water that is boiled.