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Organization holds annual “Thank You Day” for seniors


Hundreds of Lafayette senior citizens are better fed tonight after getting a big 'thank you' from a local organization.

The African American Heritage Foundation hosted the 28th Annual 'Thank You Day' at the Martin Luther King Center.

Held as a drive-thru event to keep everyone as safe as possible, organizers were able to feed 500 senior citizens. Seniors were also able to register for prizes that were given out later in the day, including rockers and cash.

The nonprofit says its proud to continue the tradition started by its late founder, Je'nelle Chargois, 27 years ago.

Organizer Deborah McZeal explained the purpose of the day.

"Today we are appreciating our seniors. Every year we do this, this is our 28th annual Senior Citizen Appreciation Day," she said. "They have been out here since seven o'clock lining up and their names are also being placed in a drawing..."

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