Lafayette Consolidated Government has provided this update for 7 p.m. on October 12:
Power outages for Lafayette Utilities System (LUS) customers have been reduced to approximately 700, including those who will need specialized electrical work. Crews are still out in full force this evening and recovery efforts will continue late into the night. Work will resume before the sun rises tomorrow if still needed. Nearly all LUS customers should have service restored by the end of the day today.
As of 5:00 P.M. today, nine trees remain on minor local roadways, waiting to be cleared by SLEMCO. All City of Lafayette traffic signals are operational. Four are using generators. Some signals in the City will flash periodically, drivers should treat flashing signals like a four-way stop. LaDOTD reports 26 signals that are not operational in the Parish, 14 of those are waiting on power to be restored.
DRC, the FEMA contractor handling debris pick-up, has committed 27 trucks by the weekend. Lafayette Consolidated Government (LCG) has requested a deployment schedule to hold them accountable. LCG’s Department of Public Works crews are still picking up debris along with the existing DRC trucks. These additional DRC trucks will help speed things up tremendously.
LCG is putting out an emergency bid packet today to increase mosquito spraying quantity and frequency. LCG is also working with Department of Defense (The Air Force) for possible assistance with mosquito abatement over the next few days. Regardless, this is a priority, and work is being done to address the expected increase of mosquitoes.