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LPD honors fallen officers during National Police Week Memorial Service

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Lafayette Police Department officers gathered at St. Barnabas Church Thursday evening to honor the lives of fallen police officers as part of National Police Week from May 9 - May 15.

The ceremony remembers law enforcement officers in the city of Lafayette, Lafayette Parish, and the surrounding areas who have given the ultimate sacrifice in defense of others.

"That's what this is all about," said LPD chief Thomas Glover. "Letting the families, letting the spouses, letting the children know, and letting the officers inside of our respective departments know that they will never be forgotten."

Six Lafayette Police officers have been killed in the line of duty since 1926.

Off. Simon Chaisson - EOW: 7/11/26
Capt. Harold Abadie - EOW: 5/20/59
Det. Sgt. Leroy King - EOW: 5/20/59
Capt. John Langlinais - EOW: 7/22/60
Off. Edward Burch - EOW: 1/5/69
Cpl. Michael Middlebrook - 10/1/17

Chief Glover shared a special message to the LPD fallen officers.

"As chief of police in Lafayette I say thank you and I honor the men who have lost their lives in the line of duty. I honor the
women who have lost their lives in the line of duty. I pray every day and I ask the city and I ask all of the people in the city,
please pray for our officers and be safe. Pray that our officers are safe, and when you see them, give them a pat on the back, speak to them, go over and talk to them and introduce yourself and let them know that you appreciate the great job that they do."

You can watch the memorial service by clicking here.

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