LAFAYETTE, La. — A Flag Day ceremony was held in Downtown Lafayette on Wednesday.
Mayor-President Josh Guillory, elected officials, Boy Scouts, Honor Guard and other guests celebrated the new flagpole dedication in honor of the Bicentennial of Lafayette Parish, according to Lafayette Consolidated Government.

Attendees gathered at 9 am in the front lawn of the Lafayette International Center, located at 735 Jefferson Street, organizers say.
The commemoration is a part of a series of events throughout the year that honor the history of the parish and promote its future.

As maintained by Lafayette Travel, nearly two-hundred years ago, in 1823, Lafayette was chartered by the Louisiana Legislature. Two years earlier, in 1821, a wealthy planter named Jean Mouton donated land to the community, then known as Vermilionville, for a Courthouse and a Cathedral. Jean Mouton became known as the founder of Vermilionville, which became the City of Lafayette in 1884.

For a list of upcoming events in honor of the Bicentennial of Lafayette Parish, click here.