The Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation is engaging the Louisiana Farm Bureau Foundation Disaster Relief Fund for the second time in as many years in response to damage caused by Hurricane Ida.
The bureau says that Hurricane Ida’s 150 mph winds destroyed the homes of farmers and ranchers along its path with some farmers reporting they remained in the eye wall of the storm for six hours.
Thousands of head of cattle have been displaced because of damaged fences and flooding, they report. The wind toppled pine trees and hardwood ready for harvest and blew sugarcane flat, affecting about 25% of the crop.
“Our farmers and ranchers really didn’t need another natural disaster” said Louisiana Farm Bureau President Jim Harper. “Last year they had to endure five tropical systems making landfall in Louisiana, including hurricanes Laura and Delta.”
The Louisiana Farm Bureau Foundation Disaster Relief Fund was established by the state’s largest general farm organization following hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005 to get funds into the hands of those involved in agriculture for rebuilding and recovery.
“We’re already seeing farmers helping farmers here at home, but those out of state are looking for ways they can help,” Harper said. “The Disaster Relief Fund gives them a way to help folks here recover, without having to travel.”
To donate, make checks payable to Louisiana Farm Bureau Foundation Disaster Relief Fund and mail them to:
Louisiana Farm Bureau Foundation
Disaster Relief Fund
P.O. Box 95004
Baton Rouge, LA 70895-9004
“We’re going to make sure every dollar donated gets into the hands of a farmer or rancher who needs it,” said Harper.
To learn more or donate online, visit, or contact Ashley Stephens at 225-922-6201 or, or Kyle McCann at 225-922-6202 or
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