Congressman Ralph Abraham is confident Louisiana will come out on top regarding ongoing trade wars.
Following China's announcement that the country will no longer buy any American products, Abraham stated, "China will see what happens...they wax and wane a lot. Their economy is in the tank right now."
While China may not be accepting any American goods, Abraham noted some good news - trade discussions are ongoing.
Abraham said that while China is a major player, there are other trade partners, like Iraq.
"We just got a sale with Iraq for 60,000 metric tons of rice. Most of that rice will be from Louisiana and it will all be milled in Louisiana."
China is "not the only dog in the room," explained Abraham.
Farmers across Louisiana are suffering from recent tariffs and floods. Abraham explained that to assist farmers, an MFP payment will soon make its way to them.
He said the payment will be a "stopgap measure" until the trade wars are resolved.
Farmers can look for the first half of the payment by the end of August and the second half in fall.
Abraham said this payment will not cure all farmers' problems, but it will help pay bills and costs until something is permamently resolved.
When asked about how the federal government can afford to spend more money on agricultural subsidies amidst the record deficit, Abraham had a simple response.
"How can we not afford to help our farmers?"
Abraham said that "food security is national security," and that an investment in agriculture will result in positive dividends.
He is certain the U.S. will come out on top and that unfair trade practices will be a thing of the past.
Abraham explained that while he cannot give a specific timeline, he hopes that current trade issues will be resolved in the next 2-3 months or at least by the end of the year.
Congressman Abraham said that he wants his constituents to know that on the federal level, "the entire Louisiana delegation is working hard for the rancher, the farmer, that particular young family that is struggling to make ends meet."