NewsCovering Louisiana


Coast Guard responding to oil discharge in Cox Bay

and last updated

The Coast Guard is responding to a report of an oil discharge in Cox Bay, Louisiana.

Coast Guard Sector New Orleans received a report from the Louisiana Oil Spill Coordinator's Office shortly before 9 a.m. on Thursday of an oil discharge in Cox Bay in Breton Sound.

The owner of the flowline, Time Energy, reports that the source of the leak has been secured.

An Incident Management Division Team from New Orleans visited the site to begin coordinating the response.

OMI Environmental Solutions, the contracted oil spill response organization, has put out 300 feet of boom around the affected area.

An aircrew from the Coast Guard conducted an overflight and observed a 200-yard by 30-foot unrecoverable oil sheen emanating from the marsh surrounding the discharge source.

An estimated 200-foot by 600-foot area of marshland has been impacted.

There is no reported impact on wildlife.

Time Energy is working with the Coast Guard and state agencies to mitigate environmental damage.

The cause of the incident is under investigation.