PINEVILLE, La. – The Pineville Police Department shared photos of a black bear seen wandering in the parking lot of a gas station on LA 28.
The department says the sighting happened on Thursday morning at Jerry’s Easy Pack on LA 28 next to Gator’s.
According to the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, this is the migratory season for young bears.
Pineville Police tell residents in their post to take proper precautions by bringing outdoor pets indoors and secure food sources that are outside of the home.
LDWF states on their website that Louisiana black bears usually are non-aggressive, retreating animals that are harmless to people unless provoked or threatened.
If anyone sees a bear they are asked to not chase or follow.
Bear sightings, no matter where they occur, should be reported to local authorities or Wildlife and Fisheries. For more on the Louisiana Black Bear, visit the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries website.