

UL students worry they'll have to take all online classes soon

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LAFAYETTE — Moving to online courses is one scenario being looked at by UL Lafayette amid concerns over the spread of the novel coronavirus, but so far, no definitive decision has been made.

A statement released on March 12 from UL's President Dr. Joseph Savoie reads:

Remote classroom instruction is among several scenarios UL Lafayette is discussing should it become necessary for the campus to reduce operations. University personnel continue to meet several times daily to work through many different options that assure continuity of instruction, business operations, residence hall functionality, dining, health services, and other essentials.
Dr. Joseph Savoie President

Staying in and working from home seems appealing, but several students at UL tell KATC they would rather stay on campus to take their classes.

"I'm not used to learning in an online format, I'm more of a visual learner, so I'm not sure how I would react to have to take an online class," MBA student Payton Schexnayder said.

"Everything will be delayed and we might get pushed back our curriculum, which is scary. I want to graduate on time," Calli Dupuy said.

Dupuy, a nursing student, worries that if classes go online, her clinical will be canceled.

"I think it would be good for my other classes that I'm taking, but for my nursing classes, no I don't want to get behind on that," Dupuy explained.

With several Louisiana universities canceling face-to-face classes, many students now worry UL won't be far behind.

"Okay this is a thing, we're probably next. We'll probably have to go online if they're doing it," Cameron Collier said, "In terms of health of the students, it's probably a good idea, although people won't admit it,"

"I would just rather everything be normal, and I go to school in the format that I signed up for," Schexnayder added.

Stay up-to-date with UL coronavirus announcements here.