

Cool spell headed into the weekend

and last updated

It's been a pretty gray day across Acadiana, with clouds lingering behind the front that moved through during the midweek.

The good news, though, is that it will not stay they way, skies have already started to clear to the north and that clearing pattern will continue through the rest of the evening.

This layer of clouds was what kept temperatures bottoming out on Wednesday and so now that they're gone we're looking at lows dropping into the 40s Thursday night, and into the 30s by Saturday morning.

While this is below average, it isn't uncommon to get a couple cool downs like this through the spring time, and even those who have done some spring planting already can rest assured that they won't be getting any freezing temperatures.

The clearing out of the clouds naturally means more sunshine to wrap up the work week, and those skies will stay fairly clear for the majority of the weekend, only being interrupted by some high altitude clouds.

Highs will still struggle a little, despite the sunshine, with the next two afternoons only seeing temperatures in the low to mid 60s with a solid breeze coming in from the north.

We've got one more day of elevated winds sustained at about 10-15 mph before finally settling down as we get into Saturday.

All in all very few complaints with this forecast and it looks like it'll be a nice lead up into next week when warmer, muggier, and cloudier weather will return.