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Calcasieu Parish: The latest on power outages

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Damage to the electrical systems in and around Calcasieu Parish suffered extensive destruction during Hurricane Laura.

Below is the latest information we have on the outages:

Beauregard Electric was reporting more than 42,000 customers still without power Sunday morning. To see the outage map, click here. We've reached out for updates.

Entergy is reporting that about 60 percent of those without power had been restored as of noon on Sunday.

Here's what they say about Louisiana outages:

We are taking steps to supply power to some of our Lake Charles customers by restoring a generating plant in Sulphur and creating a power “island” of customers who will be temporarily disconnected from the main power grid.

In Louisiana, damage assessments are nearly complete. The remaining assessments will be more difficult due to extensive damage, especially in the hard-hit Lake Charles area.

Lafayette-area customers should be restored by late today, with the Jennings area restored by late tomorrow. Restoration workers in these two areas will relocate to boost the number of restoration workers in Lake Charles.

We use peak outages to measure our restoration progress. In severe weather like Hurricane Laura, power can be restored multiple times as the rolling effects of the storm move across the state. This is especially true for Entergy Louisiana’s Laura restoration, where 273,929 individual outages had been restored as of 7 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 30.

Entergy does not have an outage map up at this time due to an internet issue. As soon as the map is back up and running we will update this story.