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Opelousas may soon have online utility bill payment


The Opelousas City Council meets today at 5 p.m.

Among the items on the agenda are two items that would set up an online bill payment for Opelousas utility bills.

Current, residents can pay their bills by mail, by going to city hall or by calling city hall to give a clerk their credit card number over the telephone, according to the city’s website.

On the agenda is a presentation by Connor Nichols about PayStar Services, an online utility payment system.  There’s also a resolution authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract wiht PayStar Services to provide online utility payment services for the city.

Another item on the agenda is a public hearing on an ordinance that would authorize the city to incur debt on its VISA card. And, there’s a resolution that would authorize the mayor to apply to the state Department of Environmental Quality for a clean water revolving loan program.