Festival Acadiens Et Creole starts on Friday. Even without the music, dancing, and food — for some, the festivities are already underway.
Two friends, Chris Leonard and Max Bacque got to Girard Park early to claim their spot.
“We came out here Tuesday evening to be able to get a nice location, close to the main stage, close to the food, also close to ingress-egress to be able to get an uber from the road right there. The perfect spot is the idea,” Bacque explained.
The two roped off one of the largest spots at the park to claim their territory.
They weren’t the only ones. Mother and son, Nelda Todd and David Greenwell, drove just over seven hours to claim their spot.
“It’s in my blood. I love music and I love people. I’m usually the first one here, out there in the middle of the sunshine and the last one to leave at night,” Todd said.
Todd says this is the first year she’s set up a tent, but she will still be center stage with her lawn chair.
The Mayard family, Scotty and Camille, came to the park on Thursday night just like in years past.
“Setting up our place and reserving our spot for this weekend. We’ve been coming to this place for about five years now and we like it and friends can kind of relate to where we are,” Mayard said.