The Fall semester starts tomorrow at UL.
Here are some of the activities planned by the University for the first week of school:
On Monday, the annual Fruit and Doughnut Give Away happens at the interesection of Rex Street and St. Mary Boulevard. Students can stop by and get a treat from the University Program Council from 7:30 am to 9:30 am.
On Tuesday, the 2018 New Student Convocation will happen at the Cajundome. The event is the official academic welcome for first-year students. Doors open at 2:30 with everyone seated by 3:15. Learn more about New Student Convocation.
Wednesday is Get on Board Day. The UPC and the Office of Student Engagement and Leadership (OSEL) invite all students to participate in this longstanding UL Lafayette tradition. Student organizations from across campus will set up tables on the Quad to promote their interests and foci. Students can meet members and learn more from 10:00 am to 2:00 p.m. You can also log in to OrgSync with your ULID and password to learn more about Get On Board Day and other student events happening this fall.
Rec Fest is Thursday. It’s the Recreation and Intramural Sport programs’ annual kick-off event. There will be lots of activities including a live band, bungee run, po-boy eating contest and rec games. The first 450 students will receive a free t-shirt which is your ticket to participate in the Color Run. The event lasts from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. at the Bourgeois Hall Rec Center, 225 Cajundome Boulevard.
On Friday, the UPC hosts Block Party 2018 on St. Mary Blvd. between Rex St. and Girard Park Circle. More than 25 businesses and organizations will be there with free shirts, drinks, bags, games, and novelties from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm.