UPDATE: The HHS’ Administration for Children and Families has sent us the following additional information for this story:
Two new agencies have been awarded five-year grants to provide Head Start and Early Head Start services in Lafayette, Iberia and St. Martin Parishes - Prime Time [protect2.fireeye.com] and St. Martin Parish School Board [techetoday.com] [protect2.fireeye.com]. As the OHS Interim Management services of CDI Head Start are no longer needed in this community, part of their transition plan includes laying off staff who will then be available to apply for jobs at one of the two new Head Start and Early Head Start agencies. Prime Time and St. Martin Parish School have or will hire many of the qualified staff who provided Head Start and Early Head Start services in this area under Community Development Institute Head Start (CDI Head Start). In fact, we know that of the 270 staff that have been laid off, 180 of them have received job offers to being working for the new providers in January.
For more information about Head Start programs, please visit https://www.acf.hhs.gov/ohs/about/head-start [acf.hhs.gov] [protect2.fireeye.com].
Here's the original story:
The short-term interim operator of Head Start programs in Lafayette, Iberia and St. Martin parishes plans to lay off more than 200 employees by the end of December.
Community Development Institute Head Start (“CDI HS”) provides interim operation of Head Start programs at the direction of the Office of Head Start.
During this interim period, a process was put in place by the Office of Head Start to identify a replacement grantee for this service area, according to the Public Information Office at the Louisiana Workforce Commission. CDI HS has been advised that a replacement grantee has been awarded a grant by the Regional Office of the Office of Head Start to provide Head Start services in the Lafayette, Iberia and St. Martin Parishes, area. On January 1, 2021, the administration of the program will be the responsibility of the replacement grantee and no longer the responsibility of CDI HS.
As a result of the expected termination of its interim management services provided by CDI HS, CDI HS plans to lay off 271 employees effective December 31, 2020 or within the 14 day period beginning on that date. These layoffs will occur at the following locations:
This action is expected to be permanent and the locations associated with the program will no longer be operated by CDI HS, Louisiana Workforce Commission states in a release.
The announcement and the above timetable are based on the best information currently available to CDI HS. Various factors outside of CDI HS’s control may affect these plans and the timing of employee separations.
CDI HS will work closely with the replacement grantee so that there will be limited disruption to the services provided to children and families.
Inquiries regarding the ending of CDI HS’s interim management can be directed to Administration for Children and Families Office of Public Affairs at (202) 401-9215.
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