According to the Crowley Police Department, a fake Facebook page imitating the International Rice Festival is back again and spreading false information.
Police say the fake page, which has been around since 2010, was created by a hacker.
The official Crowley International Rice Festival page even chimed in on the confusion hoping to get the community to take action against the fake.
"Well, our fake friends are back and spreading rumors...poor things must be bored but please know this fake page is not the Official International Rice Festival page. Please report and let's try to remove them as soon as possible. Happy Rice Festival, y'all!"
Previous posts from that fake page in 2016 and 2018, shared erroneous information about the annual fest.
In a recent post page, the fake rice festival states that all attendees will be checked for vaccination status and that they will be stamped on the hand or head before entry. Police say that is simply not true.
"The festival nor the police department will be checking for vaccine record," Crowley Police say.
Rice Festival officials and Police ask that people report the other page on social media.
The festival runs from October 14 through October 17, 2021 in Crowley. Click here for the official rice festival page, and here for their website.
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