

Fire displaces Scott family for the holidays

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A Scott family is without a home tonight after a fire, just days before the holidays

Around 3:00 a.m. Tuesday, firefighters got the call, responding to the 1200 block of Victoria Street.

According to investigators, the family was just trying to keep warm moments before the fire started. Fortunately, everyone made it out safely.

“People trying to keep warm,” neighbor Eranna Broussard said. ” It’s so cold. My heart goes out to them, they were just trying to keep warm.”

Broussard lives about 10 feet away from where the fire happened.

Investigators say the homeowner was trying to heat the home with an oven.

When he smelled something burning, he found his kitchen engulfed in flames. After the family escaped, the concern began for neighbors.

“They were banging on the neighbor’s doors to make sure everybody was out,” Broussard said.

Broussard explained that homes in the area are close to each other. Neighbors had to evacuate their homes so firefighters could make sure the flames didn’t spread.

“Around 4:00 this morning we heard a bang on the door. Our neighbor telling us it was a fire and to get out” Broussard said. “I turned over in the bed and I noticed from my window a lot of orange coloring. When I moved the curtain back, I seen it was smoking and the trailer was on fire and I assumed it was my trailer.”

She added, “I grabbed my kids, grabbed my husband and we all got out and I noticed it was the trailer behind us engulfed in flames.”

While everyone made it out safe, neighbors say it’s a heartbreaking scene to look at knowing Christmas is just day’s away.

“Around the holidays, things like this happen and it’s tragic,” Broussard said. “I’m happy they’re safe and here to live another day.”

If you would like to help the family or make a donation you can call (337)-326-2248 for more information.