This week is National Drive Electric Week across the country.
There are nearly 300 events happening across the country and several events here in Acadiana to teach people about the benefits of electric cars.
Thursday night at Rotary Point Park Bayou Electric Vehicles is hosting an event from 7 until 8:30 pm for people to come check out and even test drive a few different electric cars including the Chevy Bolt, Tesla model S, Nissan Leaf and Ford Fusion plug-in hybrid.
Also, they will be giving a demonstration on how to charge an electric car at one of the plug-in locations.
Currently there are about 50 different fully electric models to choose from made by all the major car companies, including BMW, Jaguar and Mercedes-Benz.
Ann Vail, Executive Director for Louisiana Clean Fuels, says “there are so many different vehicles available right now and every couple months there are more coming out on the road.”
According to Vail, there are 2,000 Louisianans driving electric cars.
To ensure these cars don’t run out of juice Acadiana has about 2 dozens charging stations and Louisiana Clean Fuels is working to expand that number.
Vail is also working on a master plan for the region to identify spots along major interstates so that if you want to travel to Florida or Texas there are charging stations properly placed along the highways.
And with more electric cars on the market prices are starting to fall.
There are now a few electric cars that are in the 30 thousand dollar price range.
That price still might be a little high compared to most gas cars but customers could save in the long run by buying electric.
Vail says “the total cost of ownership of an electric car is much less than that of a regular combustion engine. You don’t have oil changes, the fueling is much cheaper, charging up for electric stations most of the time is free or you are just paying a meter fee or if you charge at home the electricity really does not cost that much.”
If you would like to learn more about electric cars check out Louisiana Clean Fuels website here.
Also, for more information on the event at Rotary Point Park Thursday click here.