

North City Park Pool in Opelousas is back open 


After two years the North City Park Pool in Opelousas is back open 

The pool is open Tuesday through Sunday giving kids and adults alike the chance to cool off in the summer heat. 

"It’s long overdue, the kids really don’t have anything to do," explained Pool Director Melvin "Mitch "Richard. 

Richard has spent many summers at the North City Park Pool. He says he’s happy younger generations will get to enjoy it. 

"I’m an old lifeguard, been around for years. I re-certified myself and I’m ready to work with the young people and work with everybody. Kids, adults, everybody come out and swim," said Richard. 

The city closed the pool in 2016 because it needed repairs.

Now that it’s been fixed, the pool will host both public swim sessions and swimming lessons. 

"A lot of our kids don’t know how to swim, especially in the community. They know how to play in the water, but they don’t know how to swim. And, it’s an actual, should I say, bonus for them to learn how to swim. We need to get our kids safe, you know, this is a safety issue." said Boys & Girls Club Athletic Coordinator, Risman Jenkins. 

The pool is giving some teens a chance to make some extra cash this summer through its lifeguard program.

"We monitor everyone. Make sure nobody run, nobody gets hurt. Make sure everybody safe. And, that’s about it. Our main goal is to not let anyone drown underwater. We watch every small kid," said Life Guard Trainee Devonte Levier. 

Those lifeguard trainees have already inspired one child who hopes to one day follow in their footsteps. 

"I’m gonna teach them how to swim, and kick their legs out and stuff," said 10-year-old Opelousas resident Risman Jenkins.