

Newly renovated Westside Elementary opening in August


Students who attend Westside Elementary are returning to their home school in August. This comes after the school was severely damaged in the 2016 flood.

Officials chose to repair the school instead of completely rebuild it. Crews are now working around the clock to toward the completion date.

Teachers should be able to come back into their classrooms late August, to set everything back up.

The last couple of weeks of school at the temporary Westside Elementary building meant a lot of packing. As of Thursday, boxes at the temporary building were stacked to the ceilings. Moving crews moved each classroom one by one to the new school.

The school principal Lisa Thomas said this set of boxes is extremely special because they are moving to their "forever home".

"I feel a little anxious about the process because I want everything to be right on the first day of school. So there is excitement because we are going in and we are seeing the new school and the classrooms,  but still a little anxious," Thomas said. 

Administrators said they are thankful for the staff who were fully supportive through all the changes. Assistant Principal Charone Babineaux, said the process could not have gone 

"They rolled with it. We know our plan, where we want to be and so we were all in it together. packing, moving and just trying to make it to the end of the year so we can make it home," Babineaux said.

The walls are now made of cinderblock instead of sheetrock. Officials said in the case of another flood, clean up would be a lot easier.