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LUS urges water conservation to normalize water pressure

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LAFAYETTE PARISH — With the unprecedented water demands on the system along with the extreme temperatures, Lafayette Utilities System (LUS) is observing water pressure drops throughout the city. Water conservation is essential to maintaining sufficient water pressure in the system. Damage from frozen and burst pipes in the system can cause a drop in water pressure along with an overuse of water by customers. If water pressure drops below a certain threshold, customers will need to boil water before use.

LUS and its wholesale customers are asking that customers pause any high-water consumption activities, including turning off any faucets that may be left on or left running overnight as well as reducing washing machine and dishwasher usage. By reducing water usage, LUS can continue to maintain adequate water pressure levels.

If you suspect a leak, try to identify where the leak is and turn the water off at the hand cut-off. The hand cut-off valve is found a few feet from the meter. If you cannot locate the hand cut-off valve, please dial 311.

If you experience a frozen pipe:

  • Do not attempt to thaw pipes with a torch or flame
  • Thaw pipes with heat from a hair dryer
  • Inspect pipes after thawing for any leaks

To report an electric, water, or wastewater issue, please dial 311.
Thank you for your assistance and patience during this time.

LUS Mission Statement: As a publicly owned utilities system, we provide high quality, competitively priced services that exceed our customers’ expectations and contribute to the Consolidated Government to support other community needs.