LAFAYETTE — It's back to school time and it can be an expensive time for parents. According to the National Retail Federation,this year, families can expect to spend nearly $700.00 for back to school supplies.
That's up from 2018, and the highest amount on record. Luckily, some families are able to get some help getting the supplies their children need.
Lafayette mother Melanie Freeman says she has already spent more than $400.00 for her 16 year old.
"Supply shopping, oh my god! The list, the fees, the white paper, not to mention school IDs." Freeman said.
The mother jokes the most expensive item were her son's shoes.
"I swear, it gets higher every year. It's getting more expensive the higher the grade. The shoes, we're looking at $180.00. The bigger the foot, the higher the money, sorry parents," Freeman said.
With the high costs, fortunately some families are able to get some help with back-to-school shopping at community Back-to-School Bashes throughout Acadiana.
Tammy Lewis, a single mother of two, found some supplies she needed for her children at an event sponsored by attorney Bart Bernard.
"It's little things like those dry erase markers that are hard to find and expensive." Lewis said.
She says that as the summer has been ending, her stress has been rising.
"Everyday for the last four weeks I have been preparing. It's not going to stop until Thursday because that's when they go back to school." Lewis said.
Lewis added that for her, the events aren't about the supplies. Instead, it is about the fun the children are able to have.
"It's decreased the stress tremendously. I have met a lot of people today, and I see that I'm not the only one. Even if you have a lot, come to events like this. It's not just for the supplies, but to meet people, and the kids."
Now that her children have the supplies they need, Lewis is excited for the school year ahead.
"Trust me, I will be faithfully waiting at the school bus stop everyday," Lewis added.