Looking ahead to next week, it's the second annual "On a Mission" fishing tournament in Erath. Chris and Becky Bourke with the Louisiana National Guard Enlisted Association (LANGEA) stopped by GMA this morning to tell us more.
The tournament will be held at Don's Boat Landing from September 6-8. Different awards will be given such as Heaviest Slot Red fish, Heaviest Trout, Heaviest Trifecta Stringer, and Most Spots on Red fish. There will also be entertainment provided all weekend including karaoke on Friday, music by Blake Luquette on Saturday, and a free fish fry on Sunday. A silent auction will take place on Saturday, and final weigh-in for the tournament will be on Sunday.
Registration is $50 per fisherman and still open online.
LANGEA was created to specifically support Louisiana Guardsmen and their families both serving locally and abroad. All proceeds from the event will go directly to support your Soldiers and Airmen, who support the citizens of Louisiana in local emergencies and abroad.
For more information or for tournament registration, click here.
You can also visit LANGEA's Facebook page.