

Abby’s Apps: Think Dirty


Abby’s Apps features and reviews different apps that are interesting, helpful or maybe just fun to use on your smart phone in your day to day. The first app we’re testing out is called ‘Think Dirty,’ but you’ll want to use it for getting clean.

The app is a quick and easy way to decipher long ingredient lists on your beauty, personal care and household products. Without getting into too many confusing details, it shows a simple number rating based on evidence of carcinogenicity, developmental and reproductive toxicity, allergenicity and immunotoxicity..

On the dirty meter, the products that have the lowest health risks are ranked between zero and three, a product with potentially moderate negative health effects will be between four and seven, and products with potentially serious negative health effects will show between an eight and a 10.

You can sort through your shower, makeup bag and cleaning supply cabinet and the app’s barcode scanner and search bar to see where your go-to products stack up. You can put your products in a list to find your average ranking, and if any specific item is dragging your score down the “our picks” list in the app offers alternatives with less potentially harmful ingredients.

Our review

‘Think Dirty’ is easy to navigate and makes a complicated task of learning about and vetting your products, simple. It’s perfect for cleaning out your cupboards, cabinets and shower caddy or for anytime you want to make a healthy lifestyle shift.

One issue with the app is that not all of your cleaning supplies or personal care items are listed. While most name brand items have been reviewed, generic products or smaller brands are not all listed. Any unlisted item, however can be submitted in less than five minutes for review.